Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: Statement on CSSB 1 – The Budget


“On this day, in this body, on this budget, we are united and speaking with one voice.”


AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following Senate passage of Committee Substitute Senate Bill (CSSB) 1:

“I am proud to announce that the Texas Senate passed CSSB 1 – the 2018-2019 budget for the State of Texas- this afternoon with a unanimous vote.  On this day, in this body, on this budget, we are united and speaking with one voice. This budget reflects Texans’ priorities as conservatives and our commitment to meet the needs of this vast and rapidly growing state despite tough fiscal challenges. CSSB 1 does not raise taxes. It also does not use the Rainy Day Fund, is well within the state’s population growth times inflation and is $500 million less in general revenue than the current budget.

“The Senate Budget maintains our commitment to border security, fully funds public education including projected enrollment growth and effectively sustains funding for higher education institutions. CSSB 1 increases spending on health care, including women’s health and mental health, and addresses the critical needs of Child and Family Protective Services.

“It is particularly important to me that this budget included funding for protective vests that can withstand high caliber rifle fire for law enforcement officers. CSSB 1 also funds new initiatives for P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) to help students pursue technology careers and adds $40 million to help Texas Ports address their infrastructure needs.

“I commend the Texas Senate and especially Chairman Jane Nelson and the Senate Finance Committee for their long hours and very hard work on this budget. They have done a great service for the people of Texas and I want to thank them for their commitment and vigilance.”