AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued the following statement on the final passage of House Bill 21 early this morning.
“Before the Special Session last month, I made a commitment to retired teachers to boost TRS-Care and HB 21 will do that. It reduces premiums for retirees who are not Medicaid eligible and deductibles for retirees over the age of 65. It will also assist those retirees with adult disabled children. HB 21 includes the $212 million dollars that the Senate originally allocated for TRS-Care and I am proud to announce that we have kept this commitment.
“I am also very proud that HB 21 includes $60 million in first time ever funding for charter school facilities — another priority for me. Other funding in HB 21 includes:
· $150 million for ASATR funding
· $60 million for fast growth school districts facilities
· $41 million small district adjustment
· $40 million for autism and dyslexia grant programs
“As I promised, this $563 million funding package will help our retired teachers and address some of the most critical issues facing our schools without tapping either the Rainy Day Fund or the Foundation School Program. I am proud of Senate Education Chairman Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, and the Senate’s hard work on this bill and look forward to Gov. Abbott signing it into law.”